PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Cucumbers, Melons and Watermelons

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Cucumbers, Melons and Watermelons LONG ENGLISH/EUROPEAN CUCUMBERS NUTRITION FACTS Serving Size: 1 medium cucumber (210g) Calories: 30Total Fat: 0.2gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 4mgPotassium 295mgTotal Carbohydrates 7.3gDietary Fiber: 1gSugar 3.4gProtein: 1.3g Vitamins & Minerals Vitamin A: 4.2 %Vitamin C: 9.4%Calcium: 2.5%Iron: 3.1 % Long English cucumbers are fresh, crips, and the perfect refreshing snack. Cucumbers are […]

Grower Spotlight: Get to know us

Grower Spotlight: Get to know us Each month, we go on location to show you which of our grower partners are in season and where our fruits and vegetables come from. At Divine Flavor, we believe it is important to give our customers insight and be transparent about where their produce is grown. This month […]

Product Spotlight: Pepinos, Melones y Sandías

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Pepinos, Melones y Sandías PEPINOS LONG ENGLISH / EUROPEOS INFORMACIÓN NUTRIMENTAL Porción: 1 pepino mediano (210g) Calorías: 30Grasa Total: 0.2gColesterol: 0mgSodio: 4mgPotasio: 295mgCarbohidratos: 7.3gFibra: 1gAzúcar: 3.4gProteina: 1.3g Vitaminas & Minerales Vitamina A: 4.2 %Vitamina C: 9.4%Calcio: 2.5%Hierro: 3.1 % Los pepinos ingleses largos son frescos, crujientes y el refrigerio refrescante perfecto. Los pepinos […]


FOOD SAFETY COMPLYING WITH THE FSMA & FSVP REQUIREMENTS In the world of produce, food safety is a topic often talked about. For consumers, it is very important to know the food they purchase meets the highest standards to preventing foodborne illnesses. In recent years, the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has been transforming […]

The 6 Pillars: A Story Behind the Product

The 6 Pillars: A Story Behind the Product November 8th, 2021 Nogales, AZ- As we approach the end of 2021 and move into the last months of the year, Divine Flavor will transition from its summer programs in Baja into the western regions such as Sonora and Sinaloa. The company’s central regions started a bit […]