March 15th, 2019 – Nogales, Arizona.
“Social Responsibility is our commitment as the employer to care for our workers. The workers feel there is a commitment from the company and this is the first thing they are aware of”.
– Francisco Campaña (Director & Owner of Campaña Agricultores).

“Having social programs in place is important because it’s the right thing to do. We don’t ask for anything of our employees that we’re not able to do ourselves. If we’re on the other side of the table, we would like to be treated like that”.
– Horacio Campaña (Co-director & Owner of Campaña Agricultores).

“Agriculture companies benefit from Social Responsibility because it contributes to higher returning rates from the workers. The industry is passing through a phase, and for the first time in Mexico, we’re facing a labor crisis. Only the places most desirable will have employees return. Our employees already like what we do. It is always our goal to have workers come back next year”.
– Francisco & Horacio Campaña.
“It’s good business to have Social Responsibility. The workers like to have direction, principles, and clear rules to follow. It gives them certainty of what to do and what not to. It makes our team feel good to know they are doing the right thing. Without a guide or supervision, the moral of the company could decline, so being socially responsible keeps us consistent. A happier worker, is a more productive worker”.
– Horacio Campaña (Co-director & Owner of Campaña Agricultores).

“Our team is important to the company. We couldn’t do it without them”.
Livier Ugalde (Social Responsibility & Certifications Manager).
“I don’t know if this is much like a cliché but, if you give your employees better treatment, it creates a better working environment and better work results. I remember when certifications started or audits, as we called them, we thought it was an extra cost or something that will increase our costs and with time we saw the people, the workers, they like to have clear instructions and rules and they follow them and, little by little, they started washing their hands always, and having their caps on; it was something we didn’t expect. We’re trying to improve every season, but we’re far from perfect. The rest of the Agriculture industry has a lot of work to do“.
– Francisco Campaña.
For more information, please contact:
Michael DuPuis
Public Relation Coordinator, Divine Flavor, LLC
+1 (520)-281-8328
For more information, please contact:
Michael DuPuis
Public Relations Coordinator
+1 (520)-281-8328