Fresh Report

The import season for table grapes has had a unique start as shipments from Peru to North America started about six weeks earlier than usual. “This is in part due to the rain and the effects of Hurricane Hilary on the California grape season,” says Antonio Escobar with Divine Flavor.

Fresh Ideas From La Frontera

Produce Business, Jodean Robbins: This article recognizes the important role of Mexico in the United States produce space and describes five trends that will help continue to drive this valuable Mexican produce business. The five trends are: expanding variety, leveraging consumer interest in avocados, creating more greenhouse space for tomato growth, increasing visibility and opportunity for mango sales, and continuing to increase organic production. Divine Flavor is a key player in the Mexican produce business and is mentioned multiple times in the piece. Michael DuPuis, the quality assurance and public relations coordinator for Divine Flavor, is quoted on both the expanding produce variety through flavored grapes and the use of greenhouses for making bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash available in the winter months.


The Produce News: “Slow-starting Sonoran grape deal about to pop” (6/2/2023)

Cold weather in Mexico’s Sonoran Desert has resulted in a very slow start for its fresh table grape deal, but supplies are expected to pick up significantly over the next several weeks.

“It’s been incredibly cold all year,” said Carlos Bon, vice president of sales for Divine Flavor, headquartered in Nogales, AZ. “We knew it was going to be a late season, but we are continually guessing wrong every day.”