“Autumncrisp is the most impactful grape ever”
Fresh Plaza: The Mexican grape season kept getting pushed back due to a May month that was unusually cool. Although the weather helped with the coloring of the grapes, it slowed down the maturity. “The grape season has been late before, but this was probably the latest it has ever been,” says Carlos Bon with Divine Flavor
Organic tomato volume ramping up
Organic Produce Network: “Summer Organic Tomato Promotions Should Soon Be Available” (6/29/2023)
California’s summer organic tomato crop (including a nice assortment of organic heirlooms) is ramping up, and combined with continued organic tomato production from Mexico, retail promotional opportunities should be available from late August on.
Brian Everett of Organic Harvest Network in San Francisco revealed that he will have a great lineup of organic tomatoes—including mixed cherry offerings, multiple varieties of heirlooms, grape tomatoes, romas, and beefsteaks—from July through the summer and well into October.
Savoring Success: How Mexico is elevating Divine Flavor’s year-round produce supply
Divine Flavor, a Nogales, AZ-based produce grower and distributor, announced the restructuring of its executive sales team, elevating Patrick Cortes to vice president of sales and Carlos Bon to senior vice president of sales.
The human behind the brand
ANYK!: “Divine Flavor’s Michael DuPuis Discusses Mexico Program Growth” (12/5/2022)
While in many parts of the United States, we are pulling out our cold weather gear and hunkering down for the winter, in Mexico, produce programs are heating up. With a strong group of grower partners in West Mexico, Divine Flavor is preparing to offer retailers a wide variety of high-quality products to meet shopper demand through the rest of the season.
Divine Flavor announces changes in its sales and procurement departments
Fresh Plaza: The Mexican grape season kept getting pushed back due to a May month that was unusually cool. Although the weather helped with the coloring of the grapes, it slowed down the maturity. “The grape season has been late before, but this was probably the latest it has ever been,” says Carlos Bon with Divine Flavor
Divine Flavor adds procurement manager and bolster sales department; Elizabeth Smart rejoins the company
Fresh Fruit Portal: “Sonoran grapes hit fast crescendo” (6/16/2023)
On June 1, Mexican grape shipper Divine Flavor LLC, indicated a huge cold weather-induced gap between its early Jalisco grape deal and the traditional high-volume shipping of Sonora. Prices had been historically high because of unprecedented low supplies.
Grape industry icon John Pandol, Pandol Bros., Delano, CA, on June 16 told FreshFruitPortal.com that he did a Chicago supermarket tuor June 7-8. While some stores had strong grape displays, and Aldi’s apparently made Mexican grapes a loss leader, with prices at $1.49 or $1.99 per pound. He speculates that FOB prices were so high that the empty shelves were attributable to those stores refusing to pay to have grapes in their stores. In Tucson, AZ, on June 11, Pandol also found a retail store with no grapes on display.
Divine Flavor Bolsters Sales and Procurement Departments; Carlos Bon Details
ANYK!: “Divine Flavor’s Michael DuPuis Discusses Mexico Program Growth” (12/5/2022)
While in many parts of the United States, we are pulling out our cold weather gear and hunkering down for the winter, in Mexico, produce programs are heating up. With a strong group of grower partners in West Mexico, Divine Flavor is preparing to offer retailers a wide variety of high-quality products to meet shopper demand through the rest of the season.
Divine Flavor adds to sales and procurement staff
Produce Blue Book: “Divine Flavor expands organic bell pepper program into summer” (8/16/2022)
Divine Flavor makes moves to bolster sales and business development teams
Divine Flavor, a Nogales, AZ-based produce grower and distributor, announced the restructuring of its executive sales team, elevating Patrick Cortes to vice president of sales and Carlos Bon to senior vice president of sales.
Alán Aguirre Camou of Divine Flavor Discusses Company Portfolio Showcase at Southern Innovations
ANYK!: “Divine Flavor’s Michael DuPuis Discusses Mexico Program Growth” (12/5/2022)
While in many parts of the United States, we are pulling out our cold weather gear and hunkering down for the winter, in Mexico, produce programs are heating up. With a strong group of grower partners in West Mexico, Divine Flavor is preparing to offer retailers a wide variety of high-quality products to meet shopper demand through the rest of the season.