Introduction: Quality and Packing is one of the 6 Pillars included in Divine Flavor’s ‘Better Grower’s Program’ which focuses on meeting the highest standards of quality and presentation. This pillar is aimed to better prepare growers and the processes that are required of the industry’s retailers and wholesalers so mistakes or errors are reduced and the best product is being delivered to Divine Flavor Customers.
1.- The process starts with knowing the presentation thoroughly and following direction of Divine Flavor Quality Control and Sales Team. Referring to the quality manuals greatly helps identifying all specifications required of the pack style.

2.- Selection of the finest product is one of the most important factors of successfully packing in the Divine Flavor label. Training and education farm quality control teams greatly contribute to the success of the quality specifications.

3.- Training & Practice- When new presentations are introduced, it’s important for packing managers to explain to the supervisors and packing line to verify all requirements of the new presentation are understood.

4.- Quality and Packing manuals help staff determine the type of packing material and other specific details such as: How many boxes in one layer, how boxes total, special stickers to apply, etc.

5.- Reviewing quality standards through inspections, laboratory examinations, and with production managers are all key components to succeeding and packing the best product.

6.- Daily and Weekly Quality Reports are generated to track and measure the success of the product. This process allows both the grower and Divine Flavor to accurately monitor the quality of the product throughout the season.

7.- Using the recommended CHEP pallets and correct number of straps reduce problems and keep the product protected during long journeys to the warehouse.

8.- PTIs and Traceability are required of all product sent to Divine Flavor. Having the proper information documented allows for both the grower and Divine Flavor to accurately trace product to its pack date, greenhouse, and other useful details.

9.- Quality and Packing is a collaborative effort between both the producer and the Divine Flavor team. Working closer together allows for better outcomes and achieving the best product.
For more information, please contact:
Michael DuPuis
Public Relation Coordinator, Divine Flavor, LLC
+1 (520)-281-8328